Monday, 27 November 2017
Keeping Ourselves Safe - Video about being lost
Video we watched as part of Keeping Ourselves Safe today .
Saturday, 25 November 2017
Week 7
This week in M1 we are going to be focusing in on our Keeping Ourselves Safe Unit. You will have received an email from the school earlier in the term outlining the programme. The Main areas we will be talking about are:
I am unique: Tino taonga koe
I am unique: Tino taonga koe
For safety reasons students need to know their name, where they live, and the names of the people they live with. When they can verbalise their feelings confidently, they can report times when they feel safe and unsafe.
My body is my own: Kei a koe to mana tinana
They understand the names of body parts and that no one should touch their genitals unless it is for health reasons. Students consider touch that they like, touch that hurts and touch that is confusing.
Dealing with unwanted behaviour and touch: Tāu e ahu ai ki te whanonga me te pā kino
Students need to be able to say “no” confidently, move away, and report what has happened. They learn the difference between good secrets and bad secrets and know how to tell.
Adults who help: Ngā kaiāwhina pakeke
Students learn who they can trust to help them. Together with the people they live with students develop safety rules and strategies to help them keep safe.
A Home Connection book is included as part of the programme and will accompany your child home after the first lesson. I will mark the relevant page to discuss with your child that night. Please return your Home Connection book in their book, so I can remark after each lesson so you can keep dialogue open with your child at home should they bring it up. There are a few short tasks to do with your child. As our readers need to be in for stocktake this week, it is the perfect time to be doing this instead.
We will also be researching more into our personal inquiries around Sustainability now that we are through the bulk of our end of year assessments.
Thanks to those who have sent their costumes in for the Y1 production in Week 8. If you are struggling to find items, please let me know. We have had several spare Hawaiian shirts sent in for those who may need them.
We hope you can make the show. There are two opportunities to view it:
5 Dec at 9:30am in the hall or 6 Dec at 2:00pm
Well done to Isla Thompson! She rocked the Sole Movement show this weekend with her Hip Hop number to Thriller.
If your child is participating in something exciting this term or being recognised for their accomplishments outside of school at a prize-giving etc, please let me know so we can all celebrate together!
Have a great week everyone!
If your child is participating in something exciting this term or being recognised for their accomplishments outside of school at a prize-giving etc, please let me know so we can all celebrate together!
Have a great week everyone!
Saturday, 18 November 2017
Week 6
It's Athletics day on Tuesday 21st Nov and the weather forecast says partly cloudy and a high of 21 degrees. Perfect weather for some fun outdoors.
Athletics day starts at 9:30am -12:30pm. Please send your child in a t-shirt, shorts, suitable footwear, a hat, sunscreen and a large drink. You are welcome to come along and watch if you would like to. Our classes events are: shot put, high jump, sack races, egg and spoon and 50m races.
Athletics day starts at 9:30am -12:30pm. Please send your child in a t-shirt, shorts, suitable footwear, a hat, sunscreen and a large drink. You are welcome to come along and watch if you would like to. Our classes events are: shot put, high jump, sack races, egg and spoon and 50m races.
Also remember our class party on 12 Dec, 12:00pm in M1 - bring/send a plate of food for a good old pigeon-style hot dog party! If you would be happy to help me with preparations on the day, please let me know 😀
Remember costumes are due to school by the end of the week in a named plastic bag please (see earlier post for details) Thank you !
This Monday is the last day for issuing books from the school library to allow for a full stocktake to occur . Our readers will cease coming home from the end of next week. Please have a hunt around at home for any readers or stray library books and return in book bags- it's a NO QUESTIONS asked book amnesty! Topping up sets of books is really costly to the school, so we need to do our best to get them all back in. Thank you !
Saturday, 11 November 2017
Week 5
Congratulations to Frankie's family on the arrival of their baby girl Rose last week. We can't wait to meet her soon!
Life is getting busy, so this week I will start with the important dates for your diary:
You're Invited!

Save the date:
Book fair 13-15 Nov
The Bike Guy Visit 15 Nov 11:00-11:45am
Year 1 & 2 Athletics Day 21 Nov
M1 Parents Social - Friday 1 Dec Venue and time TBC
Carols on the Green 4 Dec 6:00-7:30pm
Y1 Production 5 Dec 9:30am & 6 Dec 2:00pm
End of Year Class Party 12 Dec 12:00pm
Final Assembly Y1 & 2 14 Dec 9:30am
Class visits and last day of term 15 Dec 12:30pm finish
Thanks for your patience last week as I completed the bulk of of final assessments. We have only a few more weeks of readers coming home before they will be collected in. Thanks for all the amazing supporting you have done at home this year with the home readers. The children have made amazing progress as a result!
Spelling: now that we are rotating for Passion Friday options in the middle block on a Fridays, and trying to squeeze in rehearsals, it is getting increasingly difficult to find time to test spelling words in class time. I have decided to add a final list into your child's spelling notebook this week if they have words to learn from list 1 or 2 still. Those above these levels will have the remainder of the words from the list they are currently working on added into their book. This way they can work on them for the remainder of the term and over the holidays if they care to.
Please keep hunting for your costume pieces ( see older blog post for details). Please send costumes to school by Friday 24 November ready for our dress rehearsals.
Monday, 6 November 2017
A Bee-utiful Day at the Honey Centre and Parry Kauri Park and Museum
Luck was on our side with the weather today and we got to enjoy a lovely day together learning about bees, sampling honey and taking in the sights and sounds of the native NZ bush. We proved to be very good at identifying some of the native plants and trees we came across and even managed to stay quite quiet for a spot of bird watching!
Thank you to our parent volunteers for keeping us focused and safe throughout the trip!
Here are a few pictures from our fun day. Additional photos from parent groups and these photos can also be accessed and downloaded from a shared folder. The link for this folder will be emailed out shortly.
Thank you to our parent volunteers for keeping us focused and safe throughout the trip!
Here are a few pictures from our fun day. Additional photos from parent groups and these photos can also be accessed and downloaded from a shared folder. The link for this folder will be emailed out shortly.
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