It's hard to believe we are into Week 8 already. This week we will be focusing in on our personal inquiries and fine tuning our plans. The children have identified their interests as falling into either of the following two categories:
- Places in the community
- Helping the community
Stay tuned to find out where your child's interests and questions will take them.
In Reading, we will continue to use our Prediction comprehension strategy during our reading groups. The children will also be identifying the decoding strategies they already use well and setting a goal for their next steps in the area of decoding. The decoding strategies we use in class are:
Look out for these bookmarks in their book bag this week. Marked with a dot will be the decoding strategy they have chosen to focus on.
In Writing, we are learning that good writers can stretch their ideas out over pages by adding details. This is important for several reasons as it increases mileage, stamina for writing, idea development and sense of self as a writer. By working in blank booklets and not in their exercise books, children begin to see themselves as an author, just like the published authors we find in our library. A blank page allows them to begin thinking about playing with layout, font or using punctuation like ... to build suspense as they get more adept at writing for an audience. It's not always pretty to look at, but a lot of thinking goes in to the creation of these draft books. We can fix it up and fancy it up if we decide it is one we want to publish. We have a few more children finishing their publishing, so if you haven't seen their pattern book in the Poem and Sharing folder yet, stay tuned-it's not far away.
In Maths, we are learning about symmetry. Symmetry is when one shape becomes exactly like another if you flip, slide or turn it. We will be exploring what is and is not symmetrical and creating some symmetry of our own.
This week:
Tuesday & Thursday are our swimming days
Wednesday we are off to the library
We are bike riding with Y3/4 on Thursday Please bring your bike and helmet if you have one
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