Upcoming Term Highlights:
Maths: The main maths strategy we are working on this term is Place Value, understanding ones and tens and beginning to add by partitioning numbers into tens and ones when we are ready.
We are all working on strengthening our number knowledge of counting by 2's to 20, 5's to 50 and 10's to 100.
In Strand Maths we are going to be developing our patterning skills. Here are some videos to support practice of these skills at home. They can also be found here on our class Blendspace along with lots of other songs we sing in class.
Writing: this term we will be learning about the features of nonfiction books- features like contents pages, diagrams, captions etc. We will then apply this knowledge to create our own amazing nonfiction books.
Reading: Over the coming weeks we will be learning all about retelling stories using our five fingers to help us. We will also be learning how to pick a 'Just-Right Book' for independently .
Inquiry: Its time for a new inquiry! This term we are learning that change affects our lives and our environment. We are going to be learning specifically about changes in matter. This week, we will be participating in a range of science experiments in each of our VLC classes designed to spark the children's interests and get them wondering about states of matter. These experiments may involve fizzing and foaming, things that ooze, harden or slime, sand, salt or jelly crystals, freezing and thawing etc. From observing the children participating in these experiments and recording their feedback afterwards, we will come to a decision on what we would like to investigate and inquire into in-depth.
PE: This term, we are going to be developing out throwing, catching and striking skills. The children are also encouraged to bring their bikes every Thursday (and any other day they want to also) for some time on the bike track.
Friendly reminder that the class is open from 8:30am.
Name EVERYTHING! We had lots of missing items last term and I appreciate how frustrating and expensive this can become. Remember raincoats - the weather is very unpredictable at the moment.
We have a first year student teacher, Bryon Jenkins joining us for 1 week from 15-19 May this term and returning 28 August – 15 September 2017.
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