Sunday, 18 June 2017

Week 8

Your little writers have been so busy in M1 that many of them are coming to the end of their first writing book and graduating to a big writing book! To graduate, they are proving that they can be neat and organised with their writing. the children are really rising to the challenge! Their book are heading off to be bound this week- a process they are very excited for. They can't wait to share their professional looking nonfiction books with you soon. 

In Maths, the children have been working hard to understand and apply their knowledge of skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's. They are learning about making groups and then skip counting their groups like: 
5 groups of 2 
  can be counted: 2,4,6,8 10  or 2+2+2+2+2=10

In Reading, we are going to learning to infer information from clues given in the story. 

We will be watching some short films by Pixar to help us learn about inferring before we being applying these skills to our reading. We will  be watching these clips as a class and talking about what we understand is happening in the story from the clues given. 

This week: 
Monday- Library
Tuesday-Hannah in for Jo instead of Thursday 
Thursday- M1 Social MBG 7:30pm 
Friday- VLC Sports rotation, Passion Friday & Assembly 

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