Sunday, 27 August 2017

Week 6

Week 6 already! We welcome back Byron for several weeks of teaching fun in M1 this week. He is going to be amazed by how his little friends are progressing with their learning.

Thanks to all the supporters who came out to watch the Cross Country last week. What excellent determination our children showed.

Kevin Fuller (also known as Boo Boo to Isla) came to talk to the children on Wednesday. He inspired the children so much that they have all gone ahead and marketed your houses for you in some gloss looking Mike Pero brochures. Judging by the asking prices it would seem there has been a distinct downward turn in the Manly housing market lately, with some houses up for grabs for as little as $100. Might be a good time to look at boosting your portfolio. Thank you Kevin for answering all our questions ( including the one- Do you get hungry while you work?)

This week in M1 we are moving on from learning about fractions 1/2 and 1/4. We are heading back to addition and subtraction strategies. The three main focus groups are working on:
1. Adding and subtracting by counting all in our heads.
2. Counting on and counting back from the biggest number in our heads
3. Using doubles and halves to help us work out near double addition and subtraction problems eg. if I know that 6+6=12 then 6+7 must be 12+1

In Writing, we are creating our own narrative books. We are reviewing the parts of a narrative- Orientation, problem & solution and adding on to these elements by learning that good authors catch their readers attention with a hook, stretch out the plot by adding details,  and try several solutions before before one finally works. For such young writers their stories are EXCELLENT!

In Reading, we continue to learn to make deeper text-to-text connections. We will be finding links between these books this week


Can you think of some ways these stories connect?

This week Hannah will be with the children on Wednesday instead of Thursday.

Please return any outstanding trip forms and pay at the office if you are paying your activity fee as you go.

Have a wonderful week!

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